How to Find your Representative

Reaching out to Representatives is the best way to advocate! Visit this website to find your representatives and reach out to them. This can take form as wishing them a happy holiday, sending them information about our policies, and just in general building a relationship with them.

Our Focuses

Our Focuses

Volunteer Focus Areas

Click on the arrows below to learn more about areas you can get involved in!

  • Fight back against cancer by using your voice and votes! Get involved in our local, state, and federal campaigns by sharing your story, advocating for others, and much more!

    Some opportunities include:

    • speaking at Lobby Days

    • maintaining close relationships with your representatives

    • writing to local newspapers and raising awareness about issues/bills

    • holding petition drives near you

  • Our team provides unique opportunities to get your voice out there. This website will serve as a news source and blog for people to learn more about issues we care about.

    Some opportunities include:

    • writing opinion pieces on legislation

    • researching and strategizing how to activate around a bill

    • raising awareness about intersectional topics through our blog

    • recognizing fellow stellar youth and young professional advocates for their achievements

  • Conduct research about topics by understanding the science, politics, business, and social science perspectives behind issues.

    Some opportunities include:

    • conducting a power analysis on representatives

    • researching bills and issues to summarize for other students

    • conducting social science surveys and interviews

    • working with experts and undergoing fieldwork to learn more about issues

  • Learn invaluable skills in business, nonprofits, grant writing, and project management with our fundraising team!

    Some opportunities include:

    • applying for grants

    • supporting Lights Of Hope fundraisers

    • designing merchandise and items

    • design your own fundraising campaign

Want to join us or learn more about becoming a part of the Society of Emerging Leaders?