Lights of Hope 2022—Hope From Across the Nation

On Tuesday, September 13th, hundreds of ACS CAN volunteers arrived from their House and Senate meetings from the capital to the Constitution Gardens in Washington, D.C. They were met with rows of candle-lit paper bags that reminded them why they came from across the nation to demand change from their representatives.

Lights of Hope is the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s (ACS CAN) signature fundraiser dedicated to honoring those who have been touched by cancer and remembering those lost. Hope Walk is ACS CAN’s DC-based Lights of Hope display set up around the pond at Constitution Gardens. Illuminated bags decorated with the names of those who have been touched by cancer were displayed as a powerful message of hope.

Our team raised over $1.5k over two months through decorating Lights of Hope bags and carried them to D.C. —metaphorically “bring their fight to the legislators”, showing a powerful message of hope otherwise overlooked.

My Experience with Lights of Hope

“At Home” Lights of Hope Displays


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