CA Cancer Action Day 2023

Cancer Action Day is the one day a year when ACS CAN brings volunteers from across the state to Sacramento to meet with their state legislators to build support for our priority bills.  This year, our team was able to work on bills to fully fund the California Cancer Registry, ensure oral chemo parity and improve access to biomarker testing.

How we got involved 

Several of my loved ones have been impacted by cancer, and I’ve realized that if this disease has touched so many people within my personal circle, and cancer’s worldly impact must be tremendous. I’ve immersed myself in Relay for Life events throughout my region, and as the event co-lead for RFL Cambrian during my sophomore year, I worked to unite stakeholders in raising funds for research and care initiatives. My involvement with RFL has been meaningful because I’ve been able to quantify my impact on the cancer community. 

Last year, I explored different avenues that would let me deepen my impact on the cancer community. I immersed myself in the Cancer Action Network (CAN) by attending workshops and campaigning to support Proposition 31. The ACS Emerging Leaders Council has empowered me to collaborate with young professionals statewide to end the suffering from cancer.


The 2023 California Cancer Action Day took place on April 11, 2023, and was a jam-packed day. We began the day with warm welcomes from ACS CAN leadership, and then listened to informative presentations regarding the bills that we would be supporting in our meetings with legislative offices. We had time to meet with our teams for the day, before heading off to meet with our state officials. 

10:00am State Lead Ambassador Welcome 

10:05am ACS CAN President Welcome 

10:15am Capitol Dome Award 

10:25am AB 632 Prostate Cancer Screening 

10:35am SB 496 Biomarker Testing 

10:40am SB 344 California Cancer Registry 

10:45am Legislative Meeting Logistics 

11:00am Questions and Answers 

11:15am Send Off 

11:20am Group Photo 

10:40am Lunch and Meeting with Teams 

12:00pm Legislative Meetings 

4:00pm Head Home

SB 344 (Rubio) California Cancer Registry

The California Cancer Registry (CCP) is one of the biggest in the nation, and is an integral part of the fight against cancer. The CCP collects data in relation to cancer, and enables researchers to learn more about cancer and develop treatment and prevention methods. 

SB 496 Biomarker Testing

SB 496 is an updated version of SB 912 which was designed to increase access to biomarker testing. Biomarker testing has increased the efficiency and quality of care for cancer patients because it allows for more personalized treatment. Healthcare officials are able to design much more effective treatment plans for patients which would increase their chances of survival and improve their care. SB 496 would lower the financial barrier for access to biomarker testing by covering the cost of biomarker testing through insurance. This would make it more accessible to those with lower income.

SB 421

SB 421 will allow for the cap on oral chemotherapy medication to continue and remain at $250. In 2013, California state law required that oral chemotherapy medication cannot exceed $250, but this was set to end on January 1st, 2024. SB 421 will remove this sunset date and make this cap permanent.


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